Nathan Navarrete Service Purpose of Unique Connection Self Awareness Personal Growth and Development


  • Learn what the purpose of a connection is before you consider choosing to date or be in a relationship with someone
  • Learn why your husband, wife, or beloved is the way they are
  • Learn about the depth structures of what your unique connection with someone is actually about beyond just what you think or assume it is about
  • Become aware of how to consciously engage with someone you choose to love by having more awareness of what the purpose of the connection is and its unique planetary influences

What This Means For Your Relationship

The success of your relationship is never determined by your astrology or your connections alone because how we define it is Unique to each of us, and it is also subject to how much personal and spiritual growth we have really invested in and have done in our life.

It’s really important we ask someone we are in a relationship with how they uniquely define a word or concept. 

People use similar words yet have utterly unique definitions, and if those are never clarified or made transparent in the connection two people can tell themselves that one another are talking about the same thing yet it is also possible that they are not talking about similar things.

Though some aspects and birthdays have it easier than others in this important area of life, ultimately it is each individual who holds the responsibility for the success or failure of their relationship. 

This report will act as a guide to help you achieve that success if that is what you truly want. 

Pay special attention to the affirmations listed for each connection in this report.

The purpose of this report is to reveal as much information about you and your partner as possible, using astrology. It is my hope that this report will enlighten you a little, and maybe even help you to make more powerful and happy choices in the areas of love and marriage. 

This report will explain many things about you, your partner, and how the two of you interact. 

However, in no way is this meant to tell you whether or not you will be successful as a couple.

That success is always in your hands. No matter what connections you share, this relationship can be successful if both partners want it and are willing to commit to making it happen and making the unconscious more conscious.However, you may discover herein just how easy or challenging that may be for the two of you. 

Your Relationship Report consists of two separate parts. 

The first part is where you will find the description of each of your birthdays. This section will reveal some of your personality traits, values, and other factors that make each of you who you are. You can get a basic feeling for each of you in this section and perhaps get a new perspective on who you are. This section may also reveal some of your relationship patterns – what sorts of people you are each attracted to, whether you are inclined to commitment or not, and other factors that may influence your love life.

Once you have learned something about each of you separately, you are ready to learn about how the two of you connect energetically. 

In the second part you will find out exactly what ‘connections’ you share with your partner that explain what each of you experiences when you are together. This is where you will find out what areas are easy or challenging for the two of you, what things you may like or dislike about your partner and why. Your connections explain how your relationship will be experienced by both of you. Some connections are good for sex, others for marriage, and others for working or business relationships.

This report was created with the intention of opening up doors of awareness. May your awareness grow and along with it, your deeper comprehension of your life and your happiness with it.

Look at each connection between you as a cosmic link that connects each of you to some part of yourself that you want to look at, develop or explore in some way. 

Your partner is your mirror into your own soul.

This report uses the most advanced techniques available to give some real insight into the inner workings of your relationship. Using astrology, it determines the energy ‘connections’ that reflect exactly how the two of you interact. 

These connections are essentially described as planetary energies, for example Mars or Venus. 

Some connections are harmonious, while others create certain kinds of friction or stress between you. 

All of the connections between you serve an important purpose and contribute to the experience that you share. 

Keep in mind that most connections have a higher expression (more awareness=function) and a lower one (less awareness=pathological). 

The affirmations given for each connection indicate how to access the highest expression of each one.

The connections are listed in the order of their importance. 

The first connection is the most important and the second is the next important, etc. 

Even the last connection between you probably manifests itself in your experience together. Therefore, regard all of them as having some important information for you.

You may have only a few connections, two or three, or you may have as many as fourteen. Each couple has a unique number and kinds of connections – as unique as the love and feelings they share for each other.

Look to see if you have more than one kind of connection between you. For example, you may have a total of two or three Mars connections between you. When this is the case, you should study these connections carefully, realizing that this probably indicates some of the most important reasons that you are together and the issues that you most often face together.

Finally, there are no bad connections. If we are attracted to someone so much that we spend time with them, there are important reasons for this. The descriptions of the connections in this report can help you understand why you have made the choice to be together, which can in turn help each of you to understand your individual personalities and needs better. 

Of course, some connections indicate stress and challenge, but this is because we often use relationships as the vehicle through which we resolve our own inner conflicts. If the love is there, there are many good things for each of you to gain from being together.

Your first connection is always considered the most important of all and, in most cases, will represent the dominant pattern that is your relationship. 

Study the connection described below carefully, as it may reveal some hidden opportunities for the two of you.

Connections beyond the first decrease in strength and significance. 

Therefore, the second will be the next in importance, the third connection next, etc. 

Yet each new connection is slightly less significant than the one before it. Keep this in mind as you read their meanings.

Over All Index Rating

With this service you learn about the major planetary influences that contribute to the purpose of your unique connection with the person you are wanting to learn more about.

In the image above you can see that all five major planetary influences contribute to an overall index rating.

The over all index rating has sub-categories:

  • Attraction (how drawn you are or not  when it comes to interacting with them)
  • Intensity
  • Compatibility (how harmonious or not interacting with them is)

Planetary Influences

There are unique aspects of planetary influence between you and the other person.

The planetary influence contributes to the way you:

  • Perceive one another
  • Think about one another
  • Interact with one another
  • How you behave around one another
  • What determines the depth, degree, and duration of challenge or harmony with the other

Functional or Dysfunctional Expressions

There are more functional expressions of each planetary aspect to one another, and there are more dysfunctional expressions of each planetary aspect.

What determines function or dysfunction is based on each persons level and depth of:

  • Awakening to one’s True Self
  • Growing up (stages of psychological development)
  • Cleaning up (Unique Shadow work and the depth in which each person has made their unconscious conscious)
  • Showing up (being in alignment with one’s Unique Perspective, Unique Self, and giving one’s Unique Gifts to the world)
  • Storying up (living a post-tragic life and one in alignment with ontological first principals and first values)

Functional relationships and Unique Connections are a result and reason of conscious, deliberate growing up in stages of levels of development. This would include awareness and growth in the various intelligences (cognitive, emotional, moral, interpersonal etc.) as well as, having learned and earned communication skills (conscious/empathetic communication or what is also known as NVC or Non-Violent Communicaiton).

Dysfunctional relationships and Unique Connections are a result and reason of being conditioned by media of what “love” and “relationships” are that are not really even close to function and deeper meaning and pleasure.

Dysfunctional “relationships” will often be a result of two people who are trauma bonding from having a lower development of communication or interpersonal skills.

Power stuggles and being limited in 1st tier development (See Spiral Dynamics) where it’s mostly only a dualistic false dichotomy way of perception and thinking with one another.


Functional Moon planetary influence in Unique Connection:

  • As soon as you first started interacting with them, you intuitivey sensed that you most likely had been together before and the probability of you both being together in this lifetime is high
  • You both have a balanced masculine and feminine connection
  • There is a perception of closeness more so than perhaps that has ever been sensed in your entire life
  • Excellent communication and having the awareness to choose to consciously talk about things and being open to talk about almost anything

Dysfunctional Moon planetary influence in Unique Connection:

  • You and them are so close that sometimes (if you have had a sister or brother growing up) it can seem like fighting with a brother or sister
  • Not much challenge and might be more easy than one prefers


Functional Venus planetary influence in Unique Connection:

  • There is much in common with them and it’s a pleasurable feeling being together
  • Depending on the level of development and skill in being aware of the levels and principals of pleasure, sexing can be deeply satisfying, healing, and fun
  • They can seem to be aware of exactly what you like, love, or prefer
  • There are similar interests and preferences with art, home aesthetics, food, music, and other important things that are meaningful to you
  • Strong foundation for a Unique Connection that can develop to having a higher vision for being together

Dysfunctional Venus planetary influence in Unique Connection:

  • There is no low side to a Venus planetary influence between two people
  • Depending on the level of development both people are at, the only dysfunctional expression would be both people not having deeper clarity about the levels and principals of pleasure and that leading to both people unconsciously seeking pseudo-pleasures (unclarified desires)


Functional Mars planetary influence in Unique Connection:

  • Influence that excites and contributes movement
  • Energy to do a lot of things together like working out, going hiking, running, and other fun physical activities
  • Contributes being more physically fit as a result of this planetary influence in a relationship or connection
  • Depending on the level of awareness of the different types of sexing, the different levels and principals of pleasure, Mars can gift the greatest and most passionate sex in the relationship
  • Ability to work together in the same business and experience success (however you are choosing to both define that)
  • Allows to get more accomplished than ever before, and as a result, have more realized and clarified dreams and ambitions

Dysfunctional Venus planetary influence in Unique Connection:

  • Power struggles as a result of not being aware of masculine and feminine polarity dynamics
  • Irritation
  • Not taking response-ability for one’s own emotional wake and attempting to blame the other
  • Poor communication skills (not discerning between demands and requests)
  • Telling one’s self a story about “rejection”, “abandonment”, “cheating”, “being unfair”, or things like “they are trying to deliberately hurt me in any way they can”
  • Unconscious compitition (trying to one-up the other to be in a power-over forcing behavor)
  • Telling one’s self a story “I am the better person in this relationship or connection”


Functional Jupiter planetary influence in Unique Connection:

  • Contributing being able to receive more fully
  • Gifts the perception that the Universe is full of things to be grateful and happy about
  • Being able to share in the infinate abundance of the Universe
  • Sharing abundance with one another unconditionally

Dysfunctional Jupiter planetary influence in Unique Connection:

  • Conditional giving
  • Keeping neurotic track of what is given and how much is received
  • “Doing favors” thinking and language
  • No challenge and can be uneventful and perhaps boring
  • Not balancing love and money


Functional Saturn planetary influence in Unique Connection:

  • Learning how to receive suggestions to improve one’s life in how they want or desire
  • Elements of growing up (stages of development) and response-ability in finding pleasure in that and appreciating and celebrating it
  • Mature and grounded quality in the relationship or connection
  • This planetary influence gifts improvements in relationship with others, and one’s career
  • Lifts to a higher status level in this 3D material world where there is possibility for more recognition of the dignity and realness of one’s Unique Self

Dysfunctional Saturn planetary influence in Unique Connection:

  • Mis-percetpion of
    • Rejection
    • Criticisim
    • Evaluation
    • Diagnosis
    • Judgement
    • Being put down
  • Life can be mis-perceived as being “hard together” and thoughts of “I can never seem to do or say anything ‘right’ “
  • Lost or caught into “who’s right and who is wrong” thinking
  • Lost or caught in unconscious power struggles (power-over vs. power-under)
  • Telling one’s self a story, “all we seem to do is fight and split hairs, and it always seems to be my ‘fault'”
  • Self-sabotage by subscribing to thinking of “right” and “fair” and not seeing that there is only learn
  • Telling one’s self a story or mis-peception thoughts of the relationship or connection “being like I am in boot camp” or there seems to be just work and more work and only work work work
  • Mis-perception or thoughts of “It’s like I am being dominated by some slave driver who doesn’t care about what I think or feel”
  • If both people are still oriented with a Separate or False Self at a lower stage of development, it can manifest as abuse, both verbally and otherwise, where unloving things manifest
  • Thinking in terms of who or what is “deserving” and who or what is not


Functional Uranus planetary influence in Unique Connection:

  • Consciously choosing mutual respect and appreciation for one another’s Unique Perspective, Unique Self, Unique Gifts, and Unique Pace in life – in life with what one another prefers
  • Realizing there is only Unique Pace and freedom of choice with everyone, and choose to accept one another do the things one another prefers without expectations or unrealistic attachments

Dysfunctional Uranus planetary influence in Unique Connection:

  • Experiencing things breaking apart
  • One partner trying to control or manipulate the other unsuccessfully
  • Uncertain about the affections for one another
  • Need or preference for predictability chronically unmet
  • Not much in common, no similar experiences or point of view
  • Rebelliousness and avoidance tactics by one or both in the relationship or connection
  • Perception of “struggling to hang on to them”
  • Unwillingness to face one’s fears of abandonment
  • Mis-perceptions of
    • F.O.M.O. (fear of missing out)
    • Rejection
  • Can have aspects of anxious attachment style


Functional Neptune planetary influence in Unique Connection:

  • Inspiration to expand life perception and experience on many levels
  • Capacity to develop and experience being psychically attuned in the relationship or connection
  • Depending on ones level of self evolution and cleaning up (or shadow work), being able to read one another’s thoughts and feelings at a deeper level
  • Deep sense of gratitude for their contributions to help bloom life more wonderful
  • If there was any such thing as a “perfect” Unique Connection this would be close

Dysfunctional Neptune planetary influence in Unique Connection:

  • Sense that are things  are dissolving
  • Assumptions
  • Exaggerations
  • Expectations
  • Rose-colored-glasses to the point of self-sabotage and harm to one’s self or the other
  • Limerance
  • Fantasy (no functional imagination)
  • Being hopelessly addicted to uncommunicated ideals with them (in your head about how things should or shouldn’t be without verbally communicating them
  • Magical thinking (expecting the other person to always read your mind) “I expect them to know all of my needs, desires, and preferences without having to uplevel my verbal communication skills and take response-ability asking for what I would like in life”
  • Having thoughts of “I would ‘die’ to be with them”
  • Dysfunctional romantic infatuation
  • Pathological co-dependency
  • Consciously or unconsciously choosing not to see the limits or self sabotage of self sabotage in them
  • Selfishly expecting the other to be everything that you want and not clearly seeing their Unique Self because you haven’t yet recognized and clarified your own Unique Self
  • Only seeing one’s projections of the other rather than actually seeing how they actually are in both easeful and dis-stressful situations
  • Lack of or lower stage of communication or interpersonal skills
  • Unspoken expectations that self-sabotage to create the conditions for unnecessary conflict and fear


Functional Pluto planetary influence in Unique Connection:

  • Give reminders of things one can achieve and become all the way in this lifetime
  • Mutual transformation and personal evolution
  • Rebirth from the tragic-life narrative into the post-tragic life narrative
  • Energized by one another’s presence
  • Transformed in functional and meaningful ways by their presence
  • Able to let go of more self sabotage or negative aspects of ones past to be more aligned with one’s Unique Self in a post-tragic narrative in life

Dysfunctional Pluto planetary influence in Unique Connection:

  • Fighting with them more than one prefers
  • Regressing into Seperate Self and possibility of constantly being hyper-fixated being reminded of or reminding them of their “shortcomings”
  • Separate or False Self communication and behavior of control and manipulation through persuation with unconscious or conscious agendas
  • Fights about finances, bills, loans, and who is in control
  • Feeling dysfunctional anger or rage to the point of perhaps having thoughts of wanting to physically fight with them

Cosmic Rewards

Functional Cosmic Reward planetary influence in Unique Connection:

  • Being a continuous blessing in one another’s life
  • The more you are together, the more there is appreciation of what you are to one another
  • Gratitude for the many things that is given on so many levels and in so many ways
  • Being reminded consistently that the Universe is full of things to be grateful and happy about
  • Sense of being destined to be with one another

Dysfunctional Cosmic Reward planetary influence in Unique Connection:

  • Trying to change and control one another because of a lack of trust in your Unique Self or theirs
  • Mis-perception of “I want them so much and I can’t seem to have them or make them ‘love’ me”
  • Fighting and resenting the things that are said and done
  • Lack of skillfullnes or complete unawareness of how anger functions leading to thinking of defeatism “I don’t know what to do”

Cosmic Lessons

Functional Cosmic Lessons planetary influence in Unique Connection:

  • Support in achieving our Unique Selve’s highest goals and ambitions
  • Feeling of joy and confidence sensing there is guidance to one’s destiny all the way in this lifetime
  • Support for highest potential and the clarity and direction on how to create one’s own Unique Way
  • Mutual supportive suggestions and ideas to further career ambitions

Dysfunctional Cosmic Lessons planetary influence in Unique Connection:

  • Resenting the other’s effort to help
  • Mis-perception of being criticized or “finding fault” with the things one does or says
  • Projecting unmet needs from childhood onto the other and telling one’s self a story “they don’t love or care for me because of the things I do and say”
  • Abuse and cruelty can manifest in unique and various ways
  • Telling oneself a story “nothing I do is ever enough for them”

Karmic Connection

Functional Karmic Connection planetary influence in Unique Connection:

  • Sense of a destined relationship or Unique Connection
  • Sensing from the moment of the first interaction there would be deep connection
  • Sense of feeling closer with one another than each might has ever with anyone in eachother’s lives
  • Ability to make transparent feelings and past traumas and have needs for acceptance and to be known on a deeper level consistently met
  • The natural part of the unconconditional love shared with one another is the ability to consciously share and receive with one another

Dysfunctional Karmic Connection planetary influence in Unique Connection:

  • Telling one’s self a story or having thoughts of “I have been drawn into a special kind of suffering that seems impossible to get out of”
  • Fighting about trivial and insignificant things that have a simple and obvious solution to, yet choosing the power struggle due to being addicted to drama and cortisol
  • Confusion asking one’s self, “why did I attract this kind of person” not yet aware of playing out unconsciously unmet childhood needs not met from caretakers
  • Thoughts of, “I’m tired of always giving to them, it is time they did something for me”

Power Connection

Functional Power Connection planetary influence in Unique Connection:

  • Considerable power-with generated when together, and this power, if channeled consciously, has the capacity to evolve the consciousness of those around you and create the factors in your life to leave the world a better place than you found it
  • Wholemate connection, having a shared vision to have some kind of collective impact beyond just one’s family or nation
  • Need a common purpose (a shared WHY upon which to base your being together
  • Larger response-ability than most to find a suitable purpose for the relationship or Unique Connection that will stimulate both to achieve the highest potential

Dysfunctional Power Connection planetary influence in Unique Connection:

  • No shared vision, leading to no strong purpose in being together leading to power struggles with one another because the power is not being used consciously in a constructive way it could be

Birthday (Sense8)

Functional Birthday Match planetary influence in Unique Connection:

  • A powerful connection that is often found among the connections of marriage longevity
  • Connection in which you are a lot alike in many important ways
  • Sense of closeness and experiencing deeper pleasure in being together
  • There is a “rightness” about being together that can influence you to think the relationship or Unique Connection is going to last a long time with grace and ease
  • Boost of self-confidence
  • Proud and supportive of one another’s accomplishments
  • Mutual support for one another’s careers and ambitions
  • Supporting each others goals and dreams

Dysfunctional Birthday Match planetary influence in Unique Connection:

  • Hyper-individualisim not caring about the other person’s unique interests and goals

Birthday Share

Functional Birthday Share planetary influence in Unique Connection:

  • Sense of being strongly connected with one another often found among marriages that have function, deeper meaning, and longevity
  • Strong sense of unity between one another
  • Having important things in common which leads to a perception of being very close with one another
  • Intimacy is hightened (being open to consciously and deliberetly learn about the various levels and principals of pleasure) that most couples will never experience in their lifetime
  • Conscious, empathetic, emotionally intelligent communication, for work or general compatibility
  • Supportive of each other in a real, authentic, and positive way

Dysfunctional Birthday Share planetary influence in Unique Connection:

  • Unconscious or unaware currently of the levels and principals of pleasure, emotional intelligence, or clarity of Unique Self purpose

Attraction - Intensity - Compatibility

There are number values with more specific detail meanings for the overall attraction, intensity, and compatibility.

Attraction Index Meaning

The attraction index meaning has a number value from -4 to 9

-4: You find it hard to be with this person on many levels. Why are you with them?

-3: There are things about this person that push you away from them.

-2: You will find things about this person that depolarize your interaction with them.

-1: You don’t have any attraction to this person in some important areas to you.

0: You have little attraction to this person. Are you really sure you are interested at all?

1: You have some attraction to them yet not much.

2: You have some attraction for the person and find them interesting in some ways.

3: You are interested in this person and attracted to them in some ways.

4: You are very attracted to this person and find them very stimulating and interesting.

5: You are strongly attracted to this person and enjoy being with them.

6: You have a very strong attraction to this person and desire to be with them.

7: You have a powerful attraction to this other person and it could be fate.

8: You have an intense attraction to this person and don’t prefer to stay away from them.

9: You have a major attraction to them and it is very magical and magnetic.

Intensity Index Meaning

The intensity index meaning has a number value from 0 to 9

0: This relationship runs very smoothly without major challenges or problems.

1: This is mostly a calm relationship, not overly dramatic or problematic.

2: This relationship is mildly intense with few challenges or problems as a whole.

3: This relationship has some intensity to it and can be challenging at times.

4: This relationship can be very intense and challenging sometimes, and with awareness from both people, there is a way to consciously grow in it.

5: This person challenges you in many ways and with more awareness and up-leveled communication skills, you have the possibility to learn from this relationship.

6: This relationship is very intense and with awareness could teach you a lot about yourself and life.

7: This relationship is a real test of inner strength and the ability to learn about yourself in dis-stressful situations and in general.

8: This relationship is an intense learning experience for you and could be very difficult.

9: This is one of the most intense and challenging people you have ever interacted with, do you really want to be around them?

Compatibility Index Meaning

The intensity index meaning has a number value from -9 to 9

-9: This is an extremely difficult relationship for you, only saints would pursue it.

-8: You may want to seriously question yourself about why you are actually interacting with this person.

-7: You two are not compatible at all, why are you even together? You must want to really learn something and have some challenge in your life right now.

-6: This interaction is not a happy, fun experience, there is much for you to learn.

-5: This interaction will have many problems for you to overcome, ask yourself and be honest, “is it really worth it?”

-4: The two of you do not have similar preferences nor shared long term vision, it will be challenging for the both of you.

-3: There are times where you might perceive or think you’re being judged or criticized, or that it is actually happening. Fortunately, depending on your ability to take response ability for your own thinking and emotional wake, it doesn’t need to happen if you don’t want it to.

-2: Though you don’t always get along, there are some reasons and results of being together in this interaction.

-1: Overall, the two of you are okay. Depending on of your levels of development and awareness, some things will be easy going and other things could be challenging.

0: You have things in common with them and that’s supportive for a foundation in what you are intending or preferring to create with them.

1: You two are compatible and it shows, you enjoy being together.

2: You two have more than a little in common and enjoy being together.

3: You two have reasons for being together and have enough compatibility to be married or in a unique bond the way you prefer.

4: You are very compatible and could be married or have a unique ceremony how you prefer.

5: The two of you are very close and get along very well, get clear on what the shared vision is you both prefer: is it marriage? children? something else that is unique to the both of you?

6: With both people awakened and at a higher stage of development and communication skills, this is a very mutually supportive relationship for you and the one that could have longevity with deeper awareness and a mutual clarified vision.

7: You two are very compatible and can move through things with grace and ease being together and when apart.

8: You could choose to be supportive, meaningful friends for life or married for 40 years or more, or have a unique bond in the ways you both prefer, the choicefullness is there and it’s up to both of you.

9: This is a truly deeper, meaningful, soulful, one-of-a-kind intimate communion where you could be together or married for a lifetime, yet reflect and really see, “is there a lot of attraction here?”

What Info Is Needed For This Service

In the form below please enter:

  • Your information
  • What the name of this service PDF is you are getting (“Purpose of Unique Connection”)
  • Enter in the “Comment or Message” text area of the form below your birth day and month, and the other person’s birth day and month.
  • I do not need a specific birth time or location from you or the other person.
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The value for this service (“Purpose of Unique Connection”) is $300

Nathan Navarrete Service BodyMind Resilience Techniques

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