T.A.I. (Transcend and Include) ®

Words and music by Nathan James Navarrete

Certainties are not always reliable as they seem

We are beyond the five sense frequency range

Broadcasting limitless wavelengths (wavelengths)

Our lives are not confined to time contrived invisible chains!

We are rare and seek the edge

Not here by chance

One of a kind

Once of a kind

One of a kind

One of a kind

It is rarely percieved what we sense we see

Holograms expose the nodes of presumptuous beliefs

About as solid as the air we think we breathe

All concepts, apparent constructs arise and fall in one breath

The individual stance is subject to

Embedded in the Kosmic dance

Always letting go of prior worldviews

Everything in its place to be included

Whatever that’s formed as a truth

Will soon be more of what we thought we knew

We all love to be inspired

And no longer uphold that heavy armor

Nothing to prove to myself or you

Paradigms and phases arose to compose one continuous threat


Evolving through layers of complexity

Always letting go of prior worldviews

Everything in its place to be included

Whatever that’s formed as a truth

Will soon be more of what we thought we knew